Aug 132014

Revocation’s new album Deathless will be in stores on October 14 via Metal Blade (and on slightly earlier dates in Europe). Minutes ago the label began streaming the album’s title track on YouTube, and with a little net snooping I also found an image of the album’s cover art, created by painter and tattoo artist Tom Strom — which I like a lot.

I’m enjoying the song, too. It’s downright ferocious — fast, feral, and of course filled with blistering fretwork, but it bludgeons as well as it strips skin and the melody sticks. Also, those throaty clean vocals you’re going to hear work quite nicely. Check it out after the jump.

Metal Blade is accepting pre-orders for the album here.




  1. Loving the song. Revocation are pretty much at Goatwhore levels of reliability now. Also, for some reason that door is giving me a simultaneous vibe of that train in a death metal cover I can’t remember then name of (they were on Century Media, got released 2012 or 2013) and Thomas The Tank Engine.

  2. That cover is awesome. Heavy Left Hand Path vibes with a bit of a Lovecraft feel.

  3. Great song, great cover. If you are a fan of boundary-pushing tattoos and painting, check out Tom’s work on Instagram (tomstrom). He’s got lots of cool detail shots of this cover art up now.

  4. Song is tight. For some reason it reminds me of newer era Death Angel.(thats a good thing in my book)
    But the sound is kinda not great. I hope its just youtube, but it almost hurts listening to this at any kind of volume.

  5. This is good stuff. It sounds to me almost like a cross between Scarve and Goatwhore.

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