Jan 032012
There’s a band from Sweden called Erupted. I wrote about their last EP in a MISCELLANY post (here). They’re working on a debut full-length, which will be released by Abyss Records. I’m not sure when it will be out. I’m not sure what it will sound like. But it will have this cover, by an artist named Simon Palmer.
The colors go well with the NCS color scheme, too. But also, Fuck.
I’ll see your fuck and raise you a holy.
Thanks for the mentioning!
Do you guys mean fuck in a bad or a good way? just had to ask^^
The good way. Definitely the good way.
At NCS fuck is always in a good way.
Did some Googling to try and find the artist.
“Simon Palmer – artist, painting mainly abstract landscapes.” Nope. Not him.
“Simon Palmer was born and has lived most of his life in Yorkshire. His enigmatic, captivating paintings seem to pay homage to this area of Northern Englan.” Not really. No.
Why isn’t his name Simon Fuck Palmer?
You did what I did. I spent a half hour trying to find more of this guy’s portfolio and finally gave up. Last resort: e-mail the band, which I will do.
Here is his deviant art, he has worked for almost all the underground bands in Växjö, he also made the Erupted logo aswell as the Carnivore logo and the ”Faces of Death” cover art.
If you want to sample more of his work in the death metal genre I advice to check out Recreated and Saga Incendia from växjö, he did the Saga Incendia logo and the Recreated logo aswel as the cover of their demo ”The fear that binds us”.
// Daniel from Erupted
Thank you Daniel! Good to know more about Simon, and also good to see the names of these Växjö bands. More metal to discover . . .