Jul 192023

On their most recent album Voices of the Kronian Moon (released in March of last year by Season of Mist), the Bay Area band Nite found a rare sweet spot — often summed up by reviewers as an intersection of glorious NWoBHM riffs and leads and the venom of blackened vocals, though the heavy metal stylings woven through the songs in fact extended beyond those trad-metal references.

With a line-up featuring members of Dawnbringer, High Spirits, Satan’s Wrath, Wild Hunt, and Serpents of Dawn, perhaps it wasn’t a shock that the songs were so well-written and performed with such genuine spirit and feeling, yet the album still excelled in ways people might not have expected, and it certainly provided a big and bracing step forward from the band’s (also excellent) debut full-length, Darkness Silence Mirror Flame.

We would guess the odds are high that most visitors to our site are already quite familiar with Nite and Voices of the Kronian Moon, but some folks (whether frequent visitors or newcomers) may still not have tumbled to its manifold allures. And so today we have a great reminder, an official video for “The Trident“, the album’s hard-rocking closer. And even those of you who already know the album and the song well are in for a treat.

In this song Nite waste no time giving a listener’s pulse a hard punch, thanks to slugging drums, fevered riffing, gut-gouging bass lines, and fanged snarls that come for the throat. The song drives like big pistons but it also radiates a sinister and supernatural aura, thanks to eerily blurting and writhing leads and slowly slithering solos that spirals into infernal ecstasy (not to mention that demonically bestial voice).

Perhaps needless to say, in light of what we wrote above, the song is also powerfully addictive (that fiendishly jittering main riff and the rhythm section’s punchy grooves really are irresistible). (At the end of this feature (down below), we’re also including the lyrics to the song.)

The video is a hell of a thing to watch too, and adds to the song’s supernatural aspects. As you’ll see in the credits below, it was directed, filmed, and edited by members of the band themselves.

Van Labrakis – Guitar / Vocals
Scott Hoffman – Guitar
Avinash Mittur – Bass
Patrick Crawford – Drums

Directed by Scott Hoffman
Camera: Van Labrakis, Scott Hoffman, Avinash Mittur, Patrick Crawford
Costume Design: Scott Hoffman, Rose Mraz
Props: Van Labrakis, Avinash Mittur, Scott Hoffman
Video Editing: Van Labrakis



Website: http://nitemetal.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nitemetal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nitemetal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nitemetal
Bandcamp: https://nitemetal.bandcamp.com/


Prism, the essence
Inside your mind
Margin, the error

Limit the answers
Of what we may
Gather the remnants
Of old decay

And the materia breaks
It’s the forbidden staff!

The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident!

Systems reporting
An error log
A relic of matter
This must be wrong

The power within it
Is far too strong
A product of matter
Outside this world

And the materia breaks
It’s the forbidden staff!

The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident! The trident!

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