Feb 142024

On March 8th the Canadian metal band Kelevra (from Regina, Saskatchewan) will release a new album named Oneiric, which follows by a significant 8 years their last record, 2016’s Lividity.

For all of us, those 8 years brought an immense amount of change and challenge, and no exception was allowed for Kelevra. Among other hurdles they had to surmount, their bass player Adrienne suffered severe heart damage caused by an extremely rare and usually lethal autoimmune disorder, damage that led to multiple surgeries, the implementation of an electronic device (which powered her heart even as she continued playing live shows), and eventually a heart transplant.

We mention Adrienne‘s experience here at the outset, because she is one of the performers you’re about to see in a guitar-and-bass playthrough video for a thrilling song named “Cleanse With Fire” off Kelevra‘s new album.

Photo Credit: Mac Ulmer

In the video, Adrienne is joined by guitarists Brett Forst and Mat Yarotski, and although vocalist Matt Fraser and drummer Dylan Dobrescu can’t be seen, they make an equally striking impression.

The music in “Cleanse With Fire” is a true sonic kaleidoscope spinning at high speed. With spidery fingers flying fast, the three dexterous string-benders whose performances you’ll see in the video execute intricate darting and swirling maneuvers with eye-popping aplomb, creating a head-spinning and uplifting listening adventure.

But as they fly through all the elaborate twists and turns, you’ll begin to notice that patterns emerge through the exuberance which start to take hold as you listen. Moreover, the song includes a guitar solo that adds an element of exotic sorcery to the experience, anchored by a pulsing rhythmic groove.

Not to be outdone, the drumming is not only vital in getting a listener’s muscles jumping while the fretwork whirls the mind, it’s also packed with electrifying fills that mesh well with the other technical pyrotechnics in the song.

And speaking of pyrotechnics, the screaming vocals vent scorch-the-earth intensity, even more napalm-fueled than the instrumentation.

The song is such a rapidly spinning dynamo of high-voltage audio electricity that it’s a sudden surprise when the music suddenly shifts into a very different phase, one in which the band dramatically slow the pace and indulge their more prog-minded interests, creating a mesmerizing and soulful spell.

With an extended scream to help pave the way, the song then gradually begins to hammer and spin up again. The guitars seem to wail, and even the vocals begin to sound tormented, until the music frenzies once more in advance of an eerie and mystical denouement.

And with that, we leave you to enjoy Kelevra‘s cleansing fire.

Now we’ll share words from the band about both the song:

Cleanse With Fire” describes the fall of man and the destruction of the world, specifically with reference to the growing obsolescence of humans versus mother nature. The song speaks of resentment for how humans continue to mistreat their host; taking more than what is earned and leaving the world in a desolate state of flames.

“This track is always an absolute technical burner to play – showcasing the breakneck tempos, varied and deft leaps between riffs, searing leads, and then wide-ranging shifts in feel and technique. The single showcases everything we are known for with this one – from all-out aggression one minute, undeniable grooves, and unexpected progressive and spacious explorations the next. The frantic and frenzied nature of the song reflects the ticking clock towards doomsday, and the listener must reconcile their place amidst the madness.”

The album was recorded by Kelevra and Sean Folk at Odin Sound, and it was mastered by Acle Kahney of Tesseract at 4D Sounds in the UK. It features cover art by Shane Rice Studio. It comes recommended for fans of Threat Signal, Chimaira, Lamb of God, Unearth, Gojira, and In Flames — or anyone else who enjoys multi-faceted musical adventures.

Of course, we’ve got links for you to check out below, as well as the previously released video for another thrilling album track named “The Distance“.




  1. Thank you Islander! We really appreciate the write up and share of new Kelevra music! I’ve been reading and exploring your recommendations for years here at NCS, and can’t thank you enough for turning me onto so many sick new bands and albums over the years!

  2. That song was awesome and i will be checking out this band.
    I sort of scratched my head at the music references though (i assume theswe came from the label): Threat Signal, Chimaira, Lamb of God, Unearth, Gojira, and In Flames. i didnt think this sounded anything like those bands (i dont know about Threat Signal though).

    • Yeah, the references come from the PR materials I got. Honestly, I don’t think they sound like any of those bands either, at least based on the song we premiered. I’m new to their music, so maybe it’s based on their previous releases — 8 years ago, and longer.

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