Nov 152023

Old school repulsive death metal from Oslo, Norway.” That’s how Horrifier themselves portray their music. Their label Personal Records drops references to the spirits of Repulsion and Autopsy as well as nods toward “the new wave of Norwegian deathrash” in the vein of Obliteration, Sepulcher, Inculter, and Condor.

Horrifier haven’t been around long, having come together only in 2022, and the members don’t look like they were alive when their major influences were laying down rotten foundations for death metal in the late ’80s.

But sometimes, and this is one of those times, something very good comes from people who aren’t trying to re-live their own distant youth but are right in the midst of it right now, and have found the right inspiration (along with bullet belts all ’round).

See for yourselves (or rather hear for yourselves) by lending an ear to Horrifier‘s “Deranged Sanity“. Continue reading »