(In December NCS contributor Zoltar introduced our full streaming premiere of the long-awaited debut album by Sweden’s Moondark, which was released in that same month by Pulverised Records. And now he follows that with an interview of Moondark‘s Johan Jansson.)
Remember what your mom always said back when you were a kid: good things always happen to those who said innit? She probably hadn’t Moondark in mind when she told you that but I’m sure you get the point as, indeed, those Swedes’ first proper album The Abysmal Womb is one titanic, heavy-as-fuck doom/death monster, with the emphasis on the DEATH part if you will.
And the fact it only took them almost thirty-two years (!) to complete it and that they somehow perdured over the years despite having recorded until then only one demo tape and played one single show is a testimony to how freakin’ good this is. Continue reading »