Jul 292014

So far today we’ve written about Canadian post-hardcore, Japanese rock performed with traditional instruments, Phoenician death metal, German chthonic cervical exhalations, and whatever it is that Junius play.

Still, it’s possible we haven’t yet succeeded in confusing everyone, so here’s a new video of Felix Martin covering a song composed by neoclassical metal guitarist Jason Becker in the late 80s, followed by something that will tear off a few dermal layers from your face without so much as a topical anesthetic, followed by… well, you’ll see.


During the video, you can read what Felix Martin wrote about the techniques used in his performance. It’s Greek to me, but the performance left me awe-struck and slack-jawed. I mean, more than usual.








The Italian band Septycal Gorge have completed their third album, Scourge of the Formless Breed, which will be ready for pre-order soon. It was recorded, engineered, mixed, and mastered by the band’s drummer Davide Billia at his home studio — which makes it even more impressive, though the first song from the album is mighty impressive standing alone. The name is “Coil of Nothingness”.

If you have facial anesthetic handy, now would be a good time to apply it, so that when you lose those dermal layers it won’t hurt quite as much. Trust me, you won’t have time to do that once the song begins. Prepare for brain scrambling.








And now for some Vedic death metal from Kathmandu, Nepal.

The band’s name is Dying Out Flame and their new album Shiva Rudrastakam is set for release on August 15 by the Spanish label Xtreem Music. An advance track from the album entitled “Maisasura Maridini” premiered last week. I was drawn to check it out by this band photo, which is certainly not your typical death metal band photo:



“Maisasura Maridini” is not your typical death metal song either, mainly because it begins with a Hindu Vedic chant set to a traditional instrumental accompaniment, but also because when the song explodes, it’s downright… explosive (and exotic). It moves at hyper-speed, it includes a serpentine Eastern melody, and the gravel-throated vocals are deliciously bestial. And that traditional instrumental melody returns before the ravaging ends. I like very much.





  1. Septycal Gorge is really good

  2. Septycal Gorge was solid. The term Vedic metal always makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, since it makes me think of that time I presented Rudra for a class project.

  3. I forget how much i love that Dying Out Flame song

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