Sep 172011

(This is a grindcore kind of review (very short, borderline demented) by TheMadIsraeli of a grindcore album by one of the ancestral kings of grindcore, Brutal Truth.)


But no, seriously. Brutal fucking Truth? You bet your ass this album rules. A review of this thing is entirely pointless because I’m pretty sure that in order to dislike Brutal Truth you have to be lacking the metal gene and possess instead the I-listen-to-Design-The-Skyline-and-masturbate-to-tranny-porn gene.

What can I say? Well, it’s a throw-back to the quirky style of grindcore they pioneered on their sophomore release Need To Control. As in, it’s a throw-back to an album FILLED THE FUCK WITH FUCKING AWESOME. I mean, these guys are playing so savagely the music sounds like it’s going to fall apart and turn into total shit any minute, performed with such wild abandon, it’s like being shot at with a mini-gun that shoots nothing but sewing needles straight at you at 1000 rounds per second. Like being bombarded with trebuchets hurling bags of sledgehammers at you. LIKE DESTROYING THE FUCKING PLANET WITH YOUR MOST PRIMAL OF SCREECHES! Oh yeah, Kevin Sharp still has it by the way. (more after the jump . . .)

I mean seriously, old school? Check. Fast? Check. Grimy and messy? Check. Loud as fucking shit? Check the fucking check. Listen to the songs and evaluate for yourself.

EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the songs TheMadIsraeli is featuring below, “Gut Check” is streaming courtesy of a track premiere at, and you can also download the recently-released “Fuck Cancer” via Metal Maniacs. These latest premieres are in addition to other tracks from End Time that have appeared via Metal Hammer Germany, A.V. ClubNoisecreepSick Drummer and the band’s own Facebook page, some of which you can hear below. Pre-orders for End Time are now available at

  3 Responses to “BRUTAL TRUTH: “END TIME””

  1. I think you like old school more than I do. The descriptor “old school” for me is not an immediate good or bad thing. I wonder if that has something to do with length of metalheadness? (I’ve only really been into metal for about six years, and I think TheMadIsreali has been a metalhead for quite a bit more.)

    That said, fucking excellent tracks!!! Headbanging commenced. Brain damage finalized.

  2. I guess I’m like you. “Old school” is just a description of a style, whether it be “old school” thrash or “old school” death metal or some other genre. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing depends on your taste. Whatever you call it, Brutal Truth’s music opens up a case of kickass and drinks it to the last drop.

  3. i like the brutal

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