Jun 042012

This is something you’ll want to jump on immediately, unless you’re in the middle of giving CPR. This is a radio rip of a new Gojira song called “Liquid Fire”, which premiered over the weekend on the Full Metal Jackie radio show. It’s from Gojira’s new album L’Enfant Sauvage, which I’ve concluded is the forthcoming album I am most eager to hear out of all those I know are on the way.

The YouTube upload probably won’t last long, which is why you need to stream it asap. It’s a very cool up-tempo song with a catchy-as-fuck pulsing guitar lead and a full load of pneumatic rhythms. It’s right after the jump.

UPDATE!!!: YouTube has yanked that radio rip of “Liquid Fire” due to a copyright claim by Gojira’s label, but you really don’t need that stream any more, because you can get a legit download of the song for free. Thanks to a wonderful comment on this post by wlfblnkt, we’ve learned that in exchange for liking Gojira’s FB page, you can get the download. Just follow this link and scroll down when you get there. Now, can I get a hearty VIVE LA FRANCE?

(via Heavy Blog Is Heavy)



  1. BRING THE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I’m not really into tattoos, but I could seriously consider having that image on my body. This is so pre-ordered! First Gojira releases this new album and 10 days later my military service is over. CAN NOT FUKKEN WAIT!

  3. Copyright claim is up now.

  4. Well, a quick Youtube search turned up two other versions =D
    Here is one in high quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vy9ax5DcG8

    Btw, there’s already a guitar cover of this one?! Are you fcking kidding me??!

  5. I’ve always loved Gojira video’s, this one’s no exception.

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