(Here are some musings written by Andy Synn.)
Despite what you might have seen and read elsewhere, I still think there’s a certain art to writing reviews. Not Picasso-level art, certainly, or Muhammed Ali-level art… but art all the same.
Of course this proposition isn’t helped by the umpteen badly written, badly researched, and grammatically suspect publications you can find out there in the wilds of the interweb, nor by the plethora of click-bait, troll-magnet reviews seemingly designed just to stoke controversy and discontent… sorry, I’ll get off my soap-box and get back to the point…
Anyway, I for one count myself very lucky to have a voice, however small, in the Metal community at large, that people actually listen to and respect. And it’s not something I take lightly. I don’t think of myself as particularly special or important as a result of it, but I do acknowledge that – as a wise, two-dimensional man once sort-of-said – “with a modicum of power comes a modicum of responsibility”.
Or something along those lines.
Now I know there are definitely those out there who think that reviews have largely been rendered obsolete by the advent of streaming services, the rise of YouTube as a music source, and the steady ascension of Bandcamp as many people’s “go-to” destination for their listening needs. And there’s definitely some valid points to be made along those lines. But, as with a lot of things in this world, this could simply serve as an opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff.
After all, I know that my own reading habits have changed over the years as I’ve zeroed in more and more on what sites, and what writers, I trust (even if I don’t always agree with them).
What has surprised me recently though is the sheer amount of vitriol and resentment I’ve seen targeted at reviews and reviewers… and not necessarily for the reasons you might imagine.
Yes, we all know that the internet, for all its great gifts and almost unlimited utility, has its bad side. Mainly that it stimulates folks of a… certain disposition… to rant and rave and attack others with seemingly no fear of consequence or accountability. Heck, there’s been studies primarily focussing on the disinhibitive effect that the internet (and, particularly, comments sections and social media) can have on a certain type of person. We all know this (though I concede it’s nice to have the research to back it up).
But what’s really surprising is that a lot of the internet rage I’ve been witness to recently has less to do with whether a certain site or writer agrees (or disagrees) with the opinion of Mr. Angrypants McOutrage, and more about a general assertion that writers are getting special privileges which they don’t deserve!
Here’s an example which I’ve copied down word for word (though I’ll admit I cleaned up some of the punctuation because it bugged me so much):
“Why do “critics” get to listen to music first? Just because they label and critique shit means that they’re special and have these privileges in some way? If you’re a ‘professional critic’ than your existence is worthless. You have an inflated view of your opinions and just hear the one voice in your head all the time. You guys sicken me.”
Now, ignoring the obvious points of contention here (such as this person’s inability to grasp the very simple reason why writers/critics get early access to promos, or the weird implication that having only one voice in your head is somehow a bad thing), I think most people would agree that the level of victimhood and impotent fury on display here is quite frankly staggering.
We’ve all seen angry fanboys react badly when a writer (whether a good one or a bad one) criticises a band or album that they love, usually because they’re incapable of being objective about the band and/or have somehow become so invested in a band that they take any perceived criticism as a personal insult… although it’s also worth remembering that this can also be triggered by bad writing, or writing that appears to be pushing an agenda of some kind.
But this particular quote, featured above, was a comment left on an entirely positive review. So what this individual was complaining about actually had nothing to do with the content of the review itself, but more the fact that someone else had gotten to listen to it first!
You can definitely feel from reading the comment that this has been an issue worrying away at this person’s mind for a while now. The foot-stomping resentment and envy in this little tantrum is in fact actually almost palpable. The sheer scorn in the way he uses the words “critics” and “professional critic” would be cutting if it wasn’t quite so hilarious.
Though there’s definitely something ever-so-slightly disturbed/disturbing about someone willing to spit out so much vitriol and declare someone else’s existence as “worthless” just because they get to hear a few albums before him…
But, as easy as crazy rantings like this are to dismiss (and they are), there’s always an opportunity to learn something from any situation, even one as dumb as this.
So let me address my fellow reviewers first, and say this – please respect your audience. I know in this day and age it’s often tempting to address your readers with a mixture of snark and sarcasm and condescending internet memes, particularly if you feel like your audience contains more than its fair share of trolls and troglodytes (though that raises the question of exactly why this is your audience…). But, please, resist that urge. And don’t forget that the real reason you’re here is for the music.
Don’t get me wrong, being a music “journalist”, of any sort, requires a certain amount of ego. After all, you have to believe that your opinion is in some way worth listening to and will have some sort of value to other people. But this is something you actually have to prove as well. You don’t get respect in this way without actually earning it.
And, FYI, you’re probably never going to get it from some people. But that shouldn’t stop you trying.
If you really want to write, in service of exposing, critiquing, and promoting the music that you love… it’s important to keep a level-head. To try and maintain a sense of balance and, even if it’s impossible, to at least aim for a hint of objectivity.
If you do that, if we all do that, if we acknowledge that, yes, we are very lucky – privileged even – to be held up (by some people) as critics and tastemakers, mentors, and experts, as people worth listening to, then we’re less likely to take it for granted.
Remember that any authority you have, any perceived expertise or influence, is granted by your audience. And they can be a fickle bunch indeed. Fuck them over too many times, give them too many reasons to think that you’ve been bought out or that your integrity is for sale… and they’ll leave you like *that* [insert sassy snapping of the fingers]
And, to that audience, to our readers, to readers of other sites who might have (somehow) stumbled across this piece, I say this… cut us some slack, ok?
We’re all just people like you. We’re fans too. Some of us are even in bands ourselves, so we know what it’s like to have our music judged and criticised.
But, for whatever reason, we’re able to put our opinions out there for public consumption in a way that conveys some sort of authority on them. And that’s a privilege that we don’t (or, shouldn’t) take lightly.
Yes, there are definitely some writers out there who didn’t get hugged enough as a child, and are keen to use their position to get them the respect and attention they think that they deserve. But they’re easy to spot. You can see a writer with an agenda coming a mile off.
And yes, there are some terrible writers/reviewers out there. A lot of whom don’t even know they’re not very good. But ultimately it’s up to YOU to decide whose opinion matters to you. It’s up to YOU to decide what sites to visit, what critics to follow, and whether or not to believe what they say.
So please, don’t tar us all with the same brush. Just judge us on our own merit.
After all, as much as we’re critiquing the music, you’re critiquing us at the same time, by the very nature of your readership and patronage.
For what it’s worth I hope you enjoy and value what we publish here at NCS. Because I know that I damn well enjoy writing it, and I’m going to keep doing it for as long as you’re willing to keep reading it.
Nice piece, dude. I really have nothing else to say beyond it. The relationship between reviewer and reader can be quite interesting, and when respect between the two exists, then meaningful “disagreements” and conversations can come out of it. Keep up the great writing and reviews.
Thank you very much. I think a lot of the issues come from when either side (readers or writers) starts to view the other as a single, monolithic entity and treats all “writers” or “readers” as if they’re all cut from the same cloth.
Then you end up carrying over prejudices fostered by one site, or one sect, to another… and any sense of actual dialogue between the two becomes null and void.
Yup!!! Well said.
And now that I’m currently hanging out on this site, it’s time to pick a fight… 😉
Well done sir. Another good read.
I hate everyone born before me. They got the chance to hear loads of classic heavy metal before me.
And I hate non-reviewers. They never have to spend hour listening to mediocrity and than use several more hours to write about it. Them lucky bastards gets to have all the fun. (Tongue in cheek, if anyone wonders).
But seriously, I agree with the doctor and slamtastic. I feel you’ve covered this case in such a comprehensive way, that all I have to add to it is my typical dumb clown comments. (Which feels a bit to “goofy”, considering the subject has a serious overtone, and may even appear as a bit touchy for some people).
“I hate everyone born before me. They got the chance to hear loads of classic heavy metal before me.” And don’t forget all those bastards in the 70s got to have lots of carefree group sex, before HIV came along and ruined it for everyone. Fuckers! (literally 😉 )
I misread that as “caffeine-free group sex” somehow.
Both preaching to the choir and drawing attention to those who should be muffled; an entire superfluous piece, Andy. Although I naturally sympathise with such outcries against the barbarians, they solve precisely nothing.
Your time is better spent on writing great reviews.
You are indeed an odd one.
My opinion is that its very, very hard to attain that objectivity when the act of enjoying a piece of music is subjective in nature. Usually that act is dictated by either personal taste at the moment or falling in line behind whatever thought/mood/person/scene holds a predominate influence over the individual at that moment. Usually its an odd combination of the two. How this is reconciled to write an objective review is a mystery to me. Reason one why, though I love to write, I don’t write reviews and rarely comment on them. That and I don’t like how presumptuous it makes me feel. I don’t like to presume a piece of someone’s creation to be good or bad based on my understanding of it at that time. I mean honestly how many times have we listened to an album once, said “this is shit”, then listened to it at a later date only to really enjoy it?
Anyway…Good article. Got me thinking anyway…
Took me the entire day to get the pun in the headline
Hey, I asked Andy if it was a typo, and then he spelled out the play on words for me. 🙂
I quite liked that pun.
The worst kind of music review:
1) The Reviewer hates the band.
2) The Reviewer hates all their albums.
3) The Reviewer has zero intention of giving the new album a fair, open minded listen.
4) The Reviewer is only using the review as an opportunity to further bash the band and/or their fans.
I love No Clean Singing reviews because No Clean Singing loves music.
Great read, Andy 🙂
Thank you man.
I’m still doing writing work for London Metal Monthly as well, where I get to be more critical/negative (occasionally anyway) than I do here, and I’m hopefully picking some writing work back up for Terrorizer bit by bit now… but my aim is that if I ever DO feel like I need to bash a band in a review, I want people to know and understand WHY I felt it was necessary to do so, rather than just think I’m holding some sort of grudge against them.
After all, there ARE some really bad bands out there… and sometimes they get bad reviews BECAUSE they’re bad. Not because someone has an agenda.
Though sometimes it feels like the writer has an agenda anyway!!!
“And, FYI, you’re probably never going to get it from some people. But that shouldn’t stop you trying.”
Touche. Respect has to be earned but it also has to be given at some point. Great post! I can’t really think of anything to add.
Thank you. This was a very stream-of-consciousness piece in the end (hence the semi-conversational tone) as I’d had certain sentences and paragraphs floating around in my brain for a while now, and just decided to see what happened if I let them come out. That particular line definitely gained a touch more significance though when I went back to clear up and re-edit the piece.
I’m totally offended by your appropriation of the concept of privilege.
As much as the title is a pun, this issue actually does fit the model of “privilege” perfectly, as it’s partially about acknowledging the fact that being a reviewer IS a position of privilege in the sense that it’s a responsibility and also a benefit.
I think a thriving website requires a healthy population of trolls. It’s an indicator of content, the people who like it are coming, and also the people who have a chip on their shoulder are still coming.
In consideration, a website of one’s hobby is probably the best place to vent. Real life can be a real jerk, why not let off some (seemingly stupid) steam in an environment that feels comfortable to you? Somewhere where it doesn’t harm those you care about, and in a place where it’s seemingly expected and routinely ignored, often lost and forgotten after 24 hours.
I like how passionate some trolls are, their dithyrambic vitriol, no matter how banal their actual complaints come across, often stirs me more than the published content. Indeed, so much content requires little more than a nodding dog response, as common sense is as it does, it’s refreshing to be confronted with a wild and crazy angle someone has taken issue with. The stuff you couldn’t make up is the best.
So yeah, please don’t try to mollify the trolls, take them squirming and retching into your bosom.
This was a good read. I think any music critic (regardless of genre) could gain from reading this. And to the petulant child, upset about not getting to hear the music before anyone else, here’s a tip: online music publications always need new writers, and most of the time, the only incentive they can offer is promo materials. So my advice to him is to grab a copy of Stunk & White’s Elements of Style and start submitting your shit to every metal zine out there — you’ll be perusing the halls of Haulix before you know it.
*Strunk & White
Where’s my editor??
Probably where ours is, sleeping it off in a dumpster.