Nov 022023

The world inexorably revolves around the sun, and in time what was old sometimes becomes new again. So it is with the German black metal band Dethroned, a group whose roots stretch back to 1993 with the band Mysticism (and then became Dethroned in 1995).

Since then Dethroned‘s progression has been a continuing story of silence and revival, but beginning in 2016 their releases have become somewhat more consistent, with a debut album in 2017 (Bluotrunst), an EP in 2020 (Christentod), and now a second album named A Bridge to Eternal Darkness that’s set for release on December 1st by Dominance of Darkness Records.

What we have for you today is the premiere of “Vinum Creaturae“, the second song to be revealed so far from the upcoming album. In the video accompanying the song, lightning flashes and storm waves crest and crash against a rocky shore. When you listen to the music, you’ll understand the choice of those visuals.

Not all black metal makes you move reflexively, but “Vinum Creaturae” will. The visceral grooves in the song are as mighty as those oceanic upheavals in the video. Sitting still while the bass prominently throbs and the drums rumble in bursts and snap like jaws just isn’t in the cards.

While those grooves get muscles moving, the riffing comes in high, brilliant cascades (like powerful waves moving in the ether), vast and searing in their sound, creating visions of turbulent splendor, accompanied by unhinged screams and haughty roars.

The rhythm section’s primal power never subsides, but it changes in electrifying ways, and the riffing changes too, channeling desperation and despair, though its intensity also never relents even when melancholia unfolds. It’s as wholly submersive as wild seas — right up until the song’s mysterious finale.

In addition to that ravishing song we’re including a stream of the album’s first single, “Come To Me“. At first it’s more menacing and mysterious in its mood than the song we’ve brought you today, and becomes more imperious in its jolting, towering power, but its racing riffage is also more dervish-like and deranged, and the caustic snarls are doubled for added demonic hostility.

But make no mistake, this song will also get you moving, even though the rhythm section are given freer reign to go nuts.

Dethroned guitarist John Never handled all artwork for the new record (exterior and interior). It will be released on CD and vinyl LP formats, and Dominance of Darkness will also concurrently reissue Bluotrunst as a six-panel digipack CD with alternate cover art.

For more info, check the links below.



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