May 222024

(Andy Synn goes crypt-diving and tomb-raiding with Greek Prog-Tech shredders Blasteroid)

With so many releases coming out each and every month, it can be easy to lose track of bands you’ve previously enjoyed, especially when – as is the case here – we haven’t heard from them in almost seven years.

But Pepperidge Farm NoCleanSinging remembers.

NoCleanSinging does not forget.

Continue reading »

Dec 212017


(Andy Synn prepared this review of the new EP by Blasteroid from Athens, Greece.)


List season may be over (for me at least), but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop covering new music, so you can expect to see a bevy of new reviews – some from 2017, some from 2018 – popping up here and there over the next couple of weeks.

And what better way to begin than with the debut EP by progressive Tech Death fret-wizards Blasteroid – a band with simultaneously the greatest and worst name of any band ever. Continue reading »