Jan 092025

(written by Islander)

In my discussion of a Warlust song in yesterday’s Part 5 of this list I hinted that today’s selections, like that one, would include some fantastic guitar solos, which tend to be a rarity in extreme metal. The presence of those solos is a big reason for my choice of today’s two songs. It’s also the reason why I put these two together in today’s installment, though I think you’ll discover other reasons when you listen.


When I came across the cover image for this German atmospheric black metal band’s debut album Der müde Mensch last September I couldn’t resist checking it out. A giant snail being ridden by a hooded figure? I’ll bite! Turns out I found the music irresistible too. Continue reading »

Sep 292024

(written by Islander)

As I did in yesterday’s weekend roundup, for today’s column I’ve chosen a mix of complete new releases and advance tracks from forthcoming records. I’ve also consciously mixed up the musical styles, all of which use black metal as a touchstone but throw other stones at us as well. At the end I’ve also embedded three new videos without commentary; they’re all worth seeing and hearing, even though I haven’t tried to explain why.

P.S. In certain parts of the Christian world today is Michaelmas, feast day of the archangel Michael, who is celebrated for casting the Devil from Heaven. The Devil has had a celebrated career on Earth since then, as today’s music helps prove. Today is also probably the birthday of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the author of Don Quixote, which will always inspire its readers to continue tilting at windmills, which thankfully all of today’s bands are doing. Continue reading »