Aug 212023

We have a most fascinating piece of music with which to bless and curse your ears today, an experience that causes muscles to throb but minds to turn to smoke, and you may feel the cold fingers of apparitions caressing your neck as they bare their teeth behind you.

That’s just one way of trying to capture the music of “Dilucidando el Augurio de los Malos Espíritus“. Your own imaginations, awakened by the song, will probably supply others, especially if you listen in a dark cool place (catacombs would be ideal) only lit by candles.

The song is the title track from a debut album by the Salvadoran band Conflagración, which will soon be co-released by Morbid Skull Records and DeathRockerSorrow Records, and we’re presenting it with a video that provides a chilling companion to the spookiness and venom in the music. Continue reading »