Sep 232018


(While our editor is on vacation this weekend, our ally HGD has generously stepped into the void and gathered the following collection of new black metal to recommend to you.)


The best part of putting together a collection like this one is being able to discover hidden diamonds in the rough, especially those that appear out of the blue with little warning. The atmospheric black metal band Bâ’a is a prime example of this.

The scant details provided to Black Metal Promotion as a part of the upload of their single “Les Terres de Terreur“, seems to indicate that they hail from France, but there is no information about their membership. The band appears disinclined towards the use of social media as well, with no presence on Facebook or Bandcamp, seemingly preferring to let their music speak for them. After listening to this track, it’s not hard to see why. Continue reading »

Apr 042016



(Our contributor from Norway, Gorger, is back with the tenth edition of his series recommending releases that we’ve managed to overlook. To find more of his discoveries, visit Gorger’s Metal.)

Greetings good folks.

My last installment contained 6 releases. This time I only present two. They are longer, and hopefully a bit more in depth.

Both consist of what I like to refer to as regional flavours.

The first one takes you through the fjords and up the mountainside to meet a debuting Norwegian act.

The second bulletin takes you to French Canada, and a band I’m sure many of you have encountered before. Continue reading »