Apr 152024

As you can see, today we’re premiering a song from a new album, Nocturnal Dominion of Death, by the veteran Singaporean death-dealers Vrykolakas. It’s the second song from the album to be revealed so far. Together, those two tracks bring to mind the boxing terminology for the “one-two punch”, the devastating combination of blows that leaves an opponent sprawled on the canvas.

So let’s take up the first punch first. Continue reading »

Mar 282024

Lately I’ve been organizing these roundups of recommended new songs and videos in alphabetical order by band name, because that means I don’t have to spend any time thinking like a DJ, trying to figure out what makes sense in the flow of the music. Sometimes that has coincidentally led to interesting juxtapositions.

Today, however, I’ve chosen a different organizational scheme, because some of the songs naturally paired up with each other. So this collection includes a block of goofy stuff, a “hulking and hideous  death metal” block, a Seattle block, and some curveballs at the end, although the very end is more like a sequence of eephus pitches that sail in high and slow (look it up).

But to begin, you’ll find something that doesn’t fit anywhere else but left me wide-eyed and slack-jawed. Continue reading »

Jun 072021


Lo and behold, I had enough time today to prepare a second round-up of new music today. I wasn’t sure I would, which is why they’re not labeled Part 1 and Part 2, but things worked out. The first installment was really all-over-the-place musically. This one is much more concentrated on various forms of death metal, though not exclusively so.


These Kaiju-conjuring death-thrashers from Seattle made a radioactive impact with their 2018 debut album Bestial Manifestations of Malevolence and Death, and now they’re about to do it again with their sophomore full-length, Sinister Monstrosities Spawned by the Unfathomable Ignorance of Humankind. Two songs are out in the world so far, the latest of which detonated last Friday. Continue reading »