Sep 172010

There’s a time and a place for the simple physical pleasures of life. Ideally, anytime, any place. Don’t worry, we’re not going to start listing our favorite simple physical pleasures. This ain’t that kind of blog. And to be clear, we’re not inviting you to list yours either. Let’s be really clear: please do not list your simple physical pleasures on our web site. Thank you.

We will name one of ours (just one): Listening to big old fucking bass drops. We’re so happy that we know what to call those things now (one of many things we’ve learned from our readers). Just one simple, triggered note detonating someplace in a metal song like the musical equivalent of a sonic boom.

Any band with the right gear and the right sound sample can reproduce the effect. Its only purpose is to produce a kind of mindless, visceral response. So why do we like bass drops so much? Fuck if we know. Why do we like mashed-up black-eyed peas doused in vinegar? Some things just can’t be explained.

Our latest dose of bass droppage came to us by way of Sergeant D over at MetalSucks. A couple days ago he posted a note about a Chicago band called Demolisher, proclaiming that in his opinion they might just be “the heaviest band on the face of the planet.” Exaggeration is the meat and potatoes of all metal blogs (except ours), so we took this with a heaping of salt, but we still couldn’t resist listening to the Demolisher song that Sergeant D featured in his post. It was called “Decimated”.

There’s no point in debating whether Demolisher is in fact the heaviest band on the face of the planet. It’s enough to say that they’re plenty heavy — and that the “Decimated” song is a very nice fix for bass-drop addiction here on a Friday morning.  

(more after the jump, including that song . . . and a vid from Ingested, since we’re now in the right mood, a link for a free music sampler from ARTERY RECORDINGS, and in our latest update, a song from Woe of Tyrants) Continue reading »