May 062012

(BadWolf is sacrificing what’s left of his peace of mind for the greater good of NCS, beyond which there is no greater good.)


Dear loyal readers, haters, and bad skaters

It has come to my attention that many of you out there do not receive nearly enough furious metal nerdrage delivered instantly to your mobile devices.

To this end, I have joined twitter.

For my first act as future Alpha Male of the instant-communication inforverse, I declare that I will follow every single metal-related twitter user that you readers insist I follow, in order to filter out the filler and relay to you killer bits of inane, digitized NOTHING!

Follow me at @BadWolfNCS and leave me suggestions as for who to follow in the comment thread below. Here’s the profile link:!/BadWolfNCS



  1. Can’t find the user either.

    But you should obviously follow @metalbandcamp (!/metalbandcamp), in fact so should all of you 🙂

  2. @trollwolves

    Ha ha!

  3. Hmmm… maybe I can start using my Twitter account again AND start tweeting.


    • Also, I suggest following Jose Mangin (@josemangin), Invisible Oranges (@invisoranges), Kim Kelly (@GrimKim), IndieMerch (@IndieMerch) and maybe InfidelAmsterdam (@YouTube_Infidel), but I’m not sure how frequently he tweets, also Kim seems to post a lot about her personal events like what’s going on with the bands she’s seeing and the events that occur while she’s roady-ing..

  4. When you say “project” do you mean like finger painting? Because I would love to get in on that shit.

  5. I see you’re already following Devin Townsend. I’d also recommend @TheRealOderus, because he’s goddamn hilarious. Sample:
    “Needed: sex slaves, drug dealers, congressmen (to flay), Lemmy (whole band would be nice!), and someone to clean up. Apply in person.” (!/TheRealOderus/status/198766247599554562)

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