Dec 182012

As we reported recently (and ecstatically), Rotting Christ’s new album is named ΚΑΤΑ ΤΟΝ ΔΑΙΜΟΝΑ ΕΑΥΤΟΥ (“Do What Thou Wilt”), and is scheduled for release by Season of Mist in North America on March 5. Today the band have debuted the opening track from the album: “In Yumen – Xibalba”. And if that weren’t exciting enough, the song is also now available for download at the Season of Mist website.

Here’s the thing. I happen to be on one of those frustrating situations where I’m able to write this post and get it up on our site, but unable to listen to the song. Because I’m in a place where that would be severely frowned upon (and I don’t mean a cathedral). So, please listen to this song and then please leave a comment with your reactions, because I’m dying to know what this sounds like.

And to hear it, go past the jump, where you’ll find a YouTube embed of the track that I found.


  1. This opener of the album sounds like a very aggressive blend of the fast paced fury of Genesis, the industrial bleak undertone of Sanctus Diavolos with a very mature mix, á la Aealo, Man, those added punches of the drums @ 5:03 shook stuff from my shelves. Stupendous stuff! March 1st can’t come soon enough!

  2. I had my concerns with the intro, which was a bit bland, but then I reached the meat of the song, and all concerns were allayed. I am extremely excited for this release.

  3. Never cared for this band on record, but they were solid live on Barge to Hell. I’ll at least give this a listen when it comes out.

  4. Solid! I cannot wait for this release!

  5. Smoldering

  6. Fuck that’s good, I’ve never heard any Rotting Christ before but I’m liking this album concept already

  7. Never heard of Rotting Christ before but I sure as hell like this!

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