Nov 092018


There’s no mistaking the moods of utter misanthropy and nightmarish horror that radiate from the music of Order of the Nameless Ones. Their sound envelopes the listener like a toxic miasma, poisons the mind, chokes the throat, and banishes the light from your eyes, creating visions of writhing, malignant forms obscured by shadow and promising only death.

The Lovecraftian sources of the band’s barbaric inspirations are evident; their devotion to the most horrid expressions of blackened death metal is unremitting. Not for the faint of heart, as they say, yet there is something addictive as well as virulent about these assaults on the mind, something weirdly mesmerizing as well as foul.

But judge for yourselves: We have a track from the band’s debut album for your consideration. The title of the album is Utter to Me the Word of Wrath, and it will be released by Iron Bonehead Productions on December 7th. The song is “Praise Your Sinister Form“.



The identities of the band’s members are obscure; so is their precise location, though they seem to dwell in some lightless corner of the U.S. Where their minds dwell is a different issue: It is obviously a dreadful and violent realm.

In “Praise Your Sinister Form“, the band administer alternating doses of different mental toxins. They combine a hammering snare and roiling, down-tuned guitar abrasion, in which the tones rise up to yowl and viciously shriek. They also segue into a slow, ghoulish lurch accented by bursts of double-bass and shrouded in an enveloping miasma of poisonous, radioactive riffing. They unleash thundering avalanches of percussion and even more heated and frenzied fretwork. Through it all, the vocalist’s horrid reverberating howls amplify the brain-raking terrors in these sounds.


We don’t have many more details to give you about Utter to Me the Word of Wrath. It will be released on LP and CD by Iron Bonehead, and you can learn more details about the release by keeping a fearful eye on the following links.

Now go ahead — poison yourself with “Praise Your Sinister Form“, and perhaps treat yourself to an additional dose through the previously released “Runes of Cosmic Blasphemy“, a stream of which we’re also providing below.




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