Dec 082020


Jonny Pettersson seems to be a perpetually busy musician. The Metal-Archives list of active bands in which he’s a participant runs to more than 20 names, including Wombbath, Heads for the Dead, Pale King, and Henry Kane. And now MA will have to update its list, because Pettersson has given birth to a new project named Wormveil, in which he’s joined by his Wombbath and Pale King bandmate Jon Rudin performing the drums.

Wormveil’s debut outing is an album named Profane Excellence, which will be released in January 2021 by Hecatombe Records, and today it’s our pleasure to reveal a track from the album named “Sails of Flesh” — which includes a guest guitar solo by another one of Pettersson’s Wombbath and Pale King comrades, Håkan Stuvemark.



Sails of Flesh” is massive in just about every way, but as much of an adrenaline-fueled thriller as it is a remorseless bone-smasher. Massive chainsaw-toned chords and equally massive drum blows provide the eminently monstrous backdrop for Pettersson’s deep, rounded roars, which are themselves a monstrous expulsion of sound. As the song proceeds, those crushing, stomping sensations trade places with bursts of galloping and thundering drumwork and frenzied slashing and boiling riffing that collectively channel savage madness.

A quick burst of chugging provides the prelude to Stuvemark’s extended guitar solo, which slithers, flickers, wails, and swirls in a manifestation of supernatural, scintillating glory, eventually subsumed in a ghastly, terrorizing eruption from Pettersson’s throat and mayhem drumming. The music rapidly resumes jolting the listener’s skull, convulsing in paroxysms of barbaric lunacy, and delivering crushing stomp-fests that are so titanic you can imagine them shaking your humble dwelling into rubble.



The song is most definitely an enticing teaser for Profane Excellence. For more details about the album and its release, keep an eye on these locations:




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