Jun 112024

(For various reasons the interview you’re about to read got lost in the ugly bowels of the NCS HQ, and because it’s one of the best discussions Comrade Aleks has produced, thanks significantly to the flair of his conversation partner Max Neira, our editor is flagellating himself for the delay with extra-bloody vigor.)

Two years ago we did the interview with the Chilean band Inanna. You probably remember these tough guys who do top-notch death metal with a twisted Lovecraftian touch. Two of those guys also have their own death metal band – Coffin Curse. Max Niera (guitars, bass, vocals) and Carlos Fuentes (drums) started it in 2012, and since then they do not stop. No rest for the wicked, so you say.

A few days ago I heard the absolutely malevolent and bloody straightforward death metal album The Continuous Nothing, which is their second full-length. Memento Mori released it on April 22nd. As the official press kit states, you should expect “a logical continuation of that not-inconsiderable debut: timeless, taut, and terrorizing”. And there’s hard to add something else to this laconic and capacious definition.

Naturally we had a lot to discuss with the band, and Max Neira provided us this detailed and thoughtful interview. Continue reading »

Mar 222024

When is a curse also a blessing? The answer is Coffin Curse, the demon-spawned Chilean death metal band whose thoroughly evil new album The Continuous Nothing is now racing hell-for-leather toward an April 22nd release by Memento Mori.

We were blessed four years ago to premiere a song from this duo’s mortifying debut album Ceased to Be, and now we get to make another premiere today for the new album, presenting “Reeking Filth of Ages“. Continue reading »

Jan 102020


Greedy fans of classic and crushing death metal should circle January 27th on their calendars in red, because that’s the date on which Memento Mori will release Ceased To Be, the mortifying debut album of the Chilean duo Coffin Curse.

Formed in 2012 by Inanna’s Max Neira (guitars, bass, vocals) and later joined by drummer Carlos Fuentes, (Inanna, Sol Sistere), Coffin Curse have drawn their inspirations from such early ’90s U.S. icons as Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Obituary, Immolation, and Deicide, as well as the menacing and mind-mauling ministrations of Pentagram (Chile), Death, Possessed, Sepultura, Massacre, Slaughter Lord, and Necrovore.

All those names are strongly suggestive of Coffin Curse‘s horrifying musical mission, as are the band’s previously released demo, three EPs, and one split effort (with Violent Scum), but today we have an even more potent and penetrating sign of what Ceased To Be holds in store, through our premiere of the album’s penultimate song in the track list, “Grave Offender“. Continue reading »