Jul 032024

(A couple of months ago we published Andy Synn‘s enthusiastic review of the new album from Tzompantli [released in May by 20 Buck Spin], and now we follow that with Comrade Aleks‘ interview of the band’s driving creative force, Brian Ortiz.)

Tzompantli began modestly as the death-doom side-project of the Mesoamerican-focused Californian death/metalcore outfit Xibalba’s guitarist. Brian Ortiz recorded the EP Tlamanalli (2019) alone, and now he has a second full-length coming out, as the project turned into a real band and consists of ten people, a couple of whom play folk instruments.

Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force repeats and refines the formula of the first album Tlazcaltiliztli (2022). The band produces vigorous death-doom with an emphasis on death, and in the lyrics, which sound, among other things, in the language of the Mayan Indians. The sound of folk instruments in Tzompantli’s music is natural, and they are indeed present in almost all songs, but they do not take up much space.

Tzompantli are straightforward and quite extreme in comparison with other rare representatives of Mezoamerican metal. We already had a pretty detailed interview here with Brian Ortiz about 18 months ago, so this interview, focused on Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force, is narrower yet honest as always. Continue reading »

May 092024

(Andy Synn beats the drum for the upcoming new album from Tzompantli, out next week)

A great many people have spent a lot of time arguing, both online and off, about the answer to one of life’s most fundamental questions.

Namely, “what is heavy?”

Some people say it’s chunky chugginess or pounding, pneumatic rhythms, while others will point to chordal density, or claustrophobic atmosphere, or even pure emotion, as the true source of “heaviness”.

But, as it turns out, the answer is far, far simpler than that – the answer is Tzompantli.

Tzompantli are heavy.

Continue reading »

Feb 132023

(We begin a new week at NCS with Comrade Aleks‘s interview of Brian Ortiz, a member of Xibalba and the creative force behind the California death-doom band Tzompantli, whose debut album was released last year by 20 Buck Spin.)

A tzompantli was a type of wooden rack or palisade documented in several Mesoamerican civilizations, which was used for the public display of human skulls, typically those of war captives or other sacrificial victims. Also it’s a death-doom band from Pomona, California.

Started in 2019 as a solo project of Brian a.k.a. Big o))), Tzompantli first shot out the EP Tlamanalli in 2019. Brian has been the guitarist of death metal / metalcore outfit Xibalba since 2007, so he knew how to deal with a lot of instruments and recording witchcraft too. His efforts were noticed by 20 Buck Spin, who soon signed the band. As result Brian’s next album Tlazcaltiliztli was recorded with G-Bone and Mateotl Gonzalez (both perform many of the folk instruments) and saw the light of day through this label in May 2022. However these songs are far from folk and embody the extreme, meat-grinding and bloody side of death-doom.

Now Tzompantli has a full live line-up and I can’t skip a chance to learn more about Indigenous Mexican death-doom from Brian. Continue reading »

Apr 232022

I’m pretty sure this is the single biggest roundup I’ve ever created. The streams of music were indeed overflowing over the past week, and I felt compelled to get out to you as many of the good ones as I could — though I still have more, drawn from blackened veins, to push your way in tomorrow’s column.

I will say that there’s more rocking out to be found in this collection than usual, and a couple of exceptions to our no-singing rule. But don’t worry your pointed little heads, there’s plenty of savagery in the mix too. I’ll also say that I played DJ, trying to arrange these in a way that would pair up like-minded songs here and there. But some of the segues are still probably jarring, which is how I like it.


I decided to begin with music from forthcoming releases by a big label before clawing deeper under ground. The first pick is a video for “Dadaist Disgust“, a new single from this Norwegian band’s upcoming debut album Antithesis, out May 27th on Nuclear Blast. Continue reading »