Jun 222015


If you’ve been keeping a count, then you know this is our third premiere of a song from Terror From the Air, the new album by Italy’s Airlines of Terror. In mid-May, we rolled out the first single from the new album, “U.F.O.=Tesla” (here) and then about two weeks ago we brought you the title track (here). Now, we deliver unto your vulnerable ears a video for the album’s third track, “Pedophiliac Skyjacking“.

And why, you may ask yourselves, have we been giving this band so much attention? Well, duh, because this album is an unholy onslaught of high-grade death metal romping and slaughtering!



This latest song is another good example of what Airlines of Terror do so well — deliver vicious riffs, decimating percussion, and carnivorous vocals, along with melodies that get their hooks in your head. But this song is a slightly different kind of spin from the first two songs we’ve premiered, and it shows the band aren’t just adept at blowing open the blast furnace doors and burning your face off.

It’s a hard-rocking, hard-grooving song, maybe the most infectious offering from the album yet. There’s a bit of punk feel in it at times, along with a bit of blackening around the edges. Someone who’s heard the song mentioned to me that he got a bit of Goatwhore vibe in the song, too. However you want to dissect it, it’s a damned catchy piece of music.

Terror From the Air – as well as the video for this new song — features artwork by Marco Hasmann, and it’s scheduled for release on June 25 by Goressimo Records. The album is available of pre-order here:


You can follow the band on Facebook via this link:


The track list is as follows:

1. Lysergic Parachutes
2. U.F.O.=Tesla
3. Pedophiliac Skyjacking
4. Funeral Rites Made To Exceed The Speed Of Sound
5. Engines Behind The Lunar God Volcano
6. Wings Red Kaput (Swing Swing Kaput)
7. The Sound Of Hardcore Diplomacy
8. Suicide And Bombardment
9. Terror From The Air



  1. Pretty solid riffs in here. Also, the gang-shouted “CALORIE COUNT!!!” almost had me on the floor laughing – wouldn’t it be great to have a bunch of metal dudes yelling at you for your dietary plan rather than a drab phone app?

  2. Another great track, I’m really digging this band 🙂

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