(In this post Andy Synn expresses some opinions that I suspect will not be universally shared. Sound off in the comments… )
Metal and the concept of maturity, if you believe all that you’re told, don’t exactly make for the most common of bedfellows.
Even the kindest of mainstream media outlets still have a tendency to treat the genre as one solely of interest to angsty teens, disaffected Gen-X types, and adults stuck in a perpetual state of arrested development.
I can’t entirely blame them. After all, the majority of metal that hits the mainstream does dwell on the same sort of vapid and generic themes that most narcissistic pop/rap music features as well (raising the question, of course, as to why these genres aren’t also singled out as “just for kids”… liking something “ironically” is no excuse, nor is it believable to be honest).
Still, it’s even more galling when the same sort of questions and vague insults come from inside the scene. Continue reading »